Sunday, November 4, 2012

A Gift Gathered, Given, Good...

     Today's Joy Dare assignment is "A gift gathered, given, good."  I immediately thought of one answer that fit all three criteria.  In our garden this year we planted peppers, eggplant, cucumbers, squash, and loads of tomatoes.  With the drought, we did lose some plants, but we were still able to gather quite a few veggies over the months.  It was just a wonderful feeling to cultivate, plant, tend and then see those little plants growing and producing.  We were able to give some to friends and family as well.  As far as good?  If you have to ask then you've never enjoyed Rob's eggplant parmigiana, or some scalded tomatoes with ranch dressing, or fried zucchini.

Rejoice always,
pray without ceasing,
give thanks in all circumstances;
for this is the will of God
in Christ Jesus for you.

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