Saturday, January 5, 2013

Brand New Year - Brand New Joys

Well, my "official" list of joys in 2012 got up to 150.  Since I'm starting in January, this year, I know I can far exceed that.  I'm really excited about what 2013 has in store.  I've made new commitments, not resolutions.  I didn't go looking for something to change about myself or add on to my schedule since it's January.  I have just been presented with some opportunities that I believe are God-given, and I'm really excited to jump in.  So here begins my Joy List for 2013...

1.  Waking up to the smell of bacon
2.  A Saturday spent (mostly) at home
3.  Surprises
4.  Looking back
5.  Hot showers
6.  A shirt was too big that is now too tight
7.  Fixing Megan's hair (When did her head become level with mine?  Wasn't she so very little just yesterday?)
8.  Kissing the top of Robby's head and drinking in that familiar scent
9.  Ice cream w/magic shell
10. The tangy sour pop of capers in my Spanish rice